Hello, and welcome to my first attempt at long-term blogging. My name is Kat, and I am an engineer/perfectionist/30-something mom in the DC area. Ever since we welcomed our little one into the world (well, to be honest, since at least a few months before that), I have tried my hand at being Miss Super-Crafty. There is something so alluring about the Martha Stewart image, even when you are a mom with a day job outside the home. I really respect the woman who can stay at home, entertain/teach children all day, and still find time to clean house, cook for the family, and make everything from kids toys to home decorations from nothing more than a piece of twine. I wish I were that woman. Alas, I am not. To be sane, I need my time away from K. So, I focus a bit more on the crafty side of the equation.
My goal in making this blog is to document some of my attempts at making things for the children and for the home. You are welcome to use anything you find here if it inspires you. If not, then I hope you at least enjoy reading about the journey.